Continued Prayers for Nepal

When disaster strikes the news lights up with information and aid relief rushes in.  These first responders are critical because after a large natural disaster people are often operating without the basic necessities: clean water, food and shelter.  But slowly as the danger subsides, the basic relief is handled and time goes on, the aid workers leave taking the money and their expertise somewhere else.  The people are left to rebuild on their own.  Of course this is somewhat of a hyperbole but it rings true because it’s the reality of disaster relief.  It’s relief but not rebuilding.

Because of this I am happy to share two updates from groups in Nepal who have vested interests, relationships with people on the ground and people who are staying in Nepal or going to Nepal to help the local communities assess and plan for the future.


MTW is responding by sending a team to assess the needs (physical and spiritual) of the local church and national partners.  The picture above is one of the church buildings that was damaged.  Since the churches in Nepal worship on Saturdays, 17 people were killed while gathered during the earthquake.  If interested you can read more on MTWs News Board about the impact of the earthquake on these churches.

MTW is asking people to respond in three ways.  First of all please pray (more specific prayer requests listed below).  Second, consider giving financially (online donations).  MTWs disaster response will be coordinated directly with the local church which means that all donations will have a direct impact on the partner communities.  And also there is a bulletin insert and slide ready to be used to bring awareness during church services.  They can be found HERE.

My friend who I wrote about a week ago (The Earthquake in Nepal- How to Pray) also sent an update.  Since she works specifically with health care she writes they are meeting to discuss how they “can contribute in the sector of mental health and psycho-social counseling as well as specific nutritional needs of mothers and newborns”.  She also sent another great prayer list.  Thank you for praying for Nepal.

  • Please pray Psalm 46 for the assurance of God’s continued presence and protection in the face of continuing widespread anxiety.
  • Please pray for those who have lost loved ones and those who have lost their shelter either temporarily or permanently.
  • Please pray for those living outside, for stable weather and protection from disease.
  • Please pray that the water supply will be sufficient and clean.
  • Please pray for those in remote rural areas that they will receive the support needed for recovery in a timely way.
  • Please pray for the helicopter pilots, truck drivers and porters bringing needed supplies into rural areas.
  • Please pray for our UMN staff, especially those with significant personal loss, as we implement our emergency response plan and that we will be able to help.

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